Grow Up And Experience Pixie Dust: Peter Pan Review #PeterPanBluray
In PETER PAN, the Disney animated film, Wendy and her two brothers are amazed when a magical boy named Peter Pan flies into their bedroom, supposedly in pursuit of his rebellious shadow. He and his fairy friend, Tinkerbell, come from a far-off place called Neverland, where children stay perpetually young. Enchanted, the kids follow him back. When Pan’s nemesis, the pirate Captain Hook, causes trouble, the kids begin to miss their old life.
PETER PAN is celebrating its 65th Anniversary and will be added to the Walt Disney Signature Collection and available on Digital and Blu-ray on June 5th. Now you can follow PETER PAN’S directions to the “second star to the left and straight on until morning” and travel with the Darling children on an adventure to Never Land.
My son Chance is growing up so fast it seems. I mean, time is flying when it comes to him. I can hardly believe that he is about to celebrate his 9th birthday. When it’s time for Wendy to grow up and move out of the nursery, she discovers PETER PAN. The Darling children end up flying away to Never Land with the help of their dreams and a little pixie dust. To Wendy growing up meant finding friends – the Lost Boys, saving Tiger Lily, and fighting none other than Captain Hook and his mean pirates.
PETER PAN reminded me of the things that Chance will grow up and experience in life. While there will be happy thoughts and pixie dust sprinkled throughout his promising future. There too will be new friends – some good, and others not so good for him. There will be opportunities for him to help others, and possibly need help himself. And unfortunately, there will be things and people that he will have to fight against, but it also means believing in dreams.

Believing in your dreams takes faith. It’s one thing to follow your dreams but first you have to believe in them enough to pursue them. Not only do you have to go through self-doubt, perhaps lack of support from family, but you will also deal with the idea of failing. It takes faith to believe in yourself enough that it propels you to pursue those dreams.
“All the world is made of faith, and trust, and pixie dust.” ― Peter Pan

Following your dreams takes courage. Finding the courage to follow your dreams can be tough. Following your dreams could mean disappointing others and taking a chance on yourself. Courage is being able to identify what scares you the most and follow your dreams anyway.
“The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease for ever to be able to do it.” ― Peter Pan
Photo Credit: Disney
Living your dreams takes persistence. Success does not happen overnight. It takes hard work and determination. To live your dreams, you have to link up with people that will encourage and support you. You will encounter resistance and struggle to get where you want to be but keep going.
“Dreams do come true, if only we wish hard enough. You can have anything in life if you will sacrifice everything else for it.” ― Peter Pan
There are so many other amazing lessons, so this is why you must snag a copy of PETER PAN Multi-Screen Edition: Blu-Ray + DVD + Digital available June 5th. Here are a few bonus features:
- Stories from Walt’s Office: Walt & Flight — As a continuation of the “Stories from Walt’s Office” series, we’ll soar into the world of one of Walt’s favorite pastimes and look at the history behind the company airplane he used to scout Central Florida looking for the perfect place to build his second theme park.
- “You Can Fly” — A new “Oke” rendition and graphic look of the classic Disney song, “You Can Fly,” with fun lyrics on screen and Peter Pan characters.
Legacy and classic bonus features include:
- Sing-along Version of the film: Sing along with your favorite songs from the movie.
- Growing Up with Nine Old Men — “Peter Pan” is both a story of living with a child’s sense of openness to the world and an acknowledgement that the path to adulthood most often leads away from those qualities. A parallel of sorts to that duality can be found in Walt Disney and his core group of animators, the Nine Old Men, in their lives and in their work. Our short film will look at who they were and the parts they played in one of the most remarkable team of artists that ever worked together.
- Deleted Song: “The Pirate’s Song” — Original demo recording of the song played over concept art.
- Deleted Scene: “The Journey Home” — A proposed alternate ending where Peter asks the Lost Boys to return home with Wendy and the other children.
- Disney Song Select — Simply play the clip from the movie with subtitles underneath it.
- “The Second Star to the Right”
- “You Can Fly”
- “A Pirate’s Life”
- “Following the Leader”
- “Your Mother and Mine”
- Audio Commentary Hosted by Roy Disney – Audio commentary hosted by Roy Disney but carried on by several other people.
Music and More
- ”Never Land”: The Lost Song — A bonus piece that sets up the backstory of where this lost song was found and how Richard Sherman recomposed it.
- Music Video: “Never Land” — Music performed by Paige O’Hara.
Backstage Disney
- You Can Fly: The Making of Peter Pan — A making-of video of the 1953 Disney classic, Peter Pan.
- In Walt’s Words: “Why I Made Peter Pan” — Based upon an article written by Walt Disney retold as a dramatic recreation.
- Tinker Bell: A Fairy’s Tale — An introspective video on the creation, history and personality of the one and only “Tink.”
- The Peter Pan Story — An original featurette for the film created in 1952.
Do you believe in the beauty of your dreams…and a little pixie dust? Are you teaching your children to believe in the power of their dreams? If not, start today!