Why It’s Important To Practice Patience
Summer vacation has come to an end, the shopping for back-to-school has been completed, and the kids are back to their routine…..Now What……
Congratulations!!!! You made it through the summer without hurt, harm, or danger (even though there were touch and go moments, but you kept your sanity).
We are back in the saddle and it is time to buckle up and get after it. This school year I encourage you to walk with me as we journey through a place that we have never been before. Yes, it is true, others have taken their journey, but our boots are new and will be broken-in with every step.
We begin by exploring the land of PATIENCE. Patience can be defined as the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset. Focus on the word “capacity” for a moment. In order to practice patience, we must be willing to accept that things will happen outside of your planned routine.
Life happens and how we handle it will stretch us to be more accepting of the things that we may see as a roadblock. I always think of the many stories I have heard told where someone was upset about the slow car traveling in front of them. Only to find that if they had been a few seconds earlier they would have been involved in a horrific multi-car accident that in some cases took lives.
Now is the time that your children need you to obtain the capacity. So much is facing our children today with instant access to information and others having instant access to them. It may not seem like it, but they are looking for us to slow down and just listen sometimes. Put down the phone and just talk about their day. We must show interest in their lives or someone else will do it.
We invest our money to give them things we didn’t have but we also must obtain patience and invest time because time is the only thing you can never get back. Friends, please share your stories of PATIENCE as we walk through the rest of this year together!!!
Well said. Everything is about speed today. Never know what you are missing until it gone.