Free Gift Ideas For Father’s Day
Over the Father’s Day is always a bittersweet day for me. I think I’ve held myself responsible for the shaky relationship that I’ve had with my dad’s over the years. But now, I valued Father’s Day gifts for my two dads and my hubby. Father’s Day doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg. In fact, there are some really great things and great gifts for Dad that don’t cost a thing or cost very little. Here are a few great cheap or free Father’s Day ideas.
Breakfast in Bed
Breakfast in Bed is a no-brainer when it comes to Mother’s Day, so why not Father’s Day too?! Dads love breakfast in bed just as much as Moms. Make him his favorite breakfast or, if you want to make something a little fancier try a BBQ Pork Breakfast Quesadilla or Pulled Pork Cornbread Waffles. Just make sure to go a little lighter on the sauce than you normally would, you don’t want Dad to drip his breakfast all over the blanket.
Go for a Walk in the Park or a Hike
Father’s Day is a great time to get out into the great outdoors, even if the weather isn’t all that great. If you’ve got a nice big park nearby that you can find walking trails on go for it! Pack a lunch to take with you. Make some soup if the weather isn’t great. If you’re lucky enough to have some great hiking trails within an hour’s drive that’s an even better alternative! This way you’re outdoors in nature and spending great quality time as a family.
Movie Night with Dad’s Favorites
If you don’t want to go out feel free to stay in! Plan a movie night where you watch two or three of Dad’s favorite movies. If the kids are little start with some movies Dad loved as a kid. Ask him to share a story about the movie, chances are he has at least one. Then after the kids have gone to bed put on Dad’s more grown-up favorite movie. Have plenty of snacks on hand for movie night, Dad’s favorites of course.
Create a Work of Art
Dads love artwork that is made specially for them. This could be a painting of that time Dad took everyone kite flying or maybe it’s a hand-drawn picture book telling a story about Dad going on an adventure in space. This is the time for a child’s creativity to run wild. You could even take it a step further and make it an art project WITH dad where they sit down together to create something beautiful as well as memories that will last for a lifetime.
Do a Chore Dad Has Been Putting Off
Sometimes it’s the small things in life that matter the most. Is there a chore you know Dad hates or maybe something he’s been meaning to do for ages but just hasn’t found the time to do it? Why not do it for him? Not only will he get the peace of mind that the chore is completed but you’re also giving him a little bit of free time to do something he loves. And yes, there is a way to take this chore idea to the next level! Create a chore coupon book for Dad so he can get out of doing a chore he would normally do. Or pick a routine chore that Dad’s in charge of and take it over for a month.
Either way finding great unique gifts for dad can be lots of fun and super enjoyable. Were these idead helpful to you? If so, please share in the comments below. And if you have gift ideas we would love to hear them as well.
P.S. Another GREAT Father’s Day gift is my new book Hatch Leap Soar! It is a great and easy read for moms, dads, and teens! Order it here!